Friday, February 12, 2010

Belated birthday gifts

Well it's ten days since I had my landmark birthday and today feels like the breather, the breath of fresh air that I've been waiting for.

School is on 'olympic break', and for me who chose not to have any involvement with the olympic broadcast work, it is a welcome rest.

With pancakes made, coffee and fruit and The Dead Letters on the cd player things are good.

My thinking is turning to the prospect of paid radio work and internships, in Grand Prairie and Vancouver/Winnipeg respectively.

Yes I could soon be on the move. But first I am going to enjoy this weekend of resistance. I cycled up to the Drive too late to see the people take over the Drive but still time enough to see about 40 anarchists walk back onto the Drive at Grant (I think).

All the old faces were out today, Sam Sullivan stuck on a side street, with half a dozen police in guard.

The fun continues later at the Art Gallery.


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